Council for Disabled Children publishes new medication resourceThe Council for Disabled Children has worked with parent carers of autistic children and children with a learning disability, medical professionals and charities to develop a guide to improve conversations and decision-making about the prescription of psychotropic medication.

This guide covers five key areas:

  • Why are conversations about medication more complex for autistic children and young people and those with a learning disability?
  • Parent and carers views about what works and doesn’t work in conversations about medication.
  • How to have effective conversations when medication is being considered.
  • How to have effective conversations when medication is being prescribed.
  • The importance of medication reviews and how to get the most out of them.


There are practical tools to help parents and professionals gather evidence and make decisions together. There are also links to additional information on specific issues.

View the guide here:

This project has been supported by NHS England and is in support of the STOMP (Stopping The Over‐Medication of People with a learning disability, autism or both) and STAMP (Supporting Treatment and Appropriate Medication in Paediatrics) campaign which was launched in December 2018 by NHS England.